
Saturday in the rain / On the road again

To be approached in the early morning rain at Victoria
by a shifty fellow and asked if you are Bulgarian
he looked so puzzled to hear 'no'
but if he was so sure then why ask in bad English not Bulgarian
българин ли си?
and why was I not even tapped for cash
were you merely entranced by my
singular, striking cheekbones

To be flagged down by the military Land Rover and
asked if I entered the RAF base, you know
perfectly well I didn't, since you were watching on CCTV
and why was I taking pictures
*know your rights!* namedrop the public highway and
an interest in vintage planes such as
the one displayed in front of the building
unsaid: feel free to stick it in a hangar
unsaid: you know you're wasting your time
time to break out the old school smile and
turn up the accent, for 30 exhausting seconds

A vehicular halt, a wound down window
and being shouted at by the driver
of a horsebox, all still in the rain,
assume he's asking directions
but there's a busy road between us
I can't hear and he's now holding up traffic,
my indifferent shrug is met
with a gesture of contempt, drive
on mate, walk on pal

You won't get this by staying at home in
your big socks with your boxsets and
a full fridge

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